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    Simon and Holly are Shopping: Series 1 , Volume 2



    Thanks to the book “Simon and Holly are Shopping” from the Academy of Young Entrepreneur series, publisher of Modern Business 2.0
    Your child will not have to wait until full maturity to start learning how to start making financially intelligent and wise decisions.

    Unfortunately, young people do not get a good education at the elementary as well as high school levels.
    That’s why our series comes to help and shows our children in an easy and understandable way how to solve financial problems in adult life, and more importantly, teaches them not to make financial mistakes.

    This book provides the necessary knowledge to ensure that a young person will not be unnecessarily exposed to financial mistakes and failures in the future.

    The adventures of Simon and Holly, described in a simple and friendly manner, help to learn basic economic concepts so that your child:

    • will grow up to be an aware and reasonable adult,
    • become entrepreneurial, resourceful, and self-confident,
    • make wise decisions in every aspect of life,
    • won’t have to learn from their mistakes.

    Simon is implementing new habits into his life. He is helped by family and friends.


    In the book you will learn:

    • how to manage household money,
    • how to prepare a shopping list,
    • how to shop properly,
    • how to return or complain about goods,
    • how not to be influenced by advertisements


    Simon and Holly go shopping on their own for the first time. This seemingly easy task turns out to be a real challenge for the siblings. Up to now, they thought that all they needed to do was take their money with them to the store. After some time, they begin to understand that smart shopping requires a proper preparation.

    Step by step children learns how to prepare a shopping list, how to compare prices, how to read the information on labels, and how to check the ingredients of products. They also learn why it is so important to keep a receipt and how to return goods in a store.

    In the following chapters, the siblings learn about second-hand stores, and how to sort their own items to donate to those in need.

    I highly recommend another book from our series for children Simon and Holly are Shopping

    Described in a simple and friendly way, the adventures of Simon and Holly will help your child learn basic economic concepts, teach them how to live well, and make it easier to understand the mysteries of the spiritual world.


    You probably wish that your child:

    – grow up to be a conscious and sensible adult,

    – to be enterprising, resourceful, and self-confident,

    – to make wise decisions in every aspect of his/her life,


    Remember that your child does not have to:

    – learn from their mistakes,

    – gain experience by getting into trouble and unnecessarily complicating their adult life,

    – wait until they are fully grown to start learning to make decisions,


    You can protect your child from the mistakes you’ve made in the past:

    – by beginning his or her education as early as age 6,

    – using the knowledge of specialists,

    – teaching them good habits and beliefs.

    This is another volume in the series of financial education books.

    • Simon’s New Habits.
    • Simon and Holly are Shopping.
    • Simon and Holly are going on vacation.
    • Simon is opening his own business.
    • Simon and Holly are forming a partnership.
    • Simon and Holly are forming a partnership.


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